I promise you are stronger than you believe. You're more beautiful than you see. You are hilarious and charismatic despite your self perceptions. You are lovely and capable of forgiveness regardless of the opinions of others.

The most powerful critic lives inside our minds. We will teach that critic how to love and feel valued and the shame, resentment, anger, powerlessness, insecurity, hurt, self destruction, hate, fear, degradation, among many others will soon dissipate.

This lesson is not an easy one but it can be done. It is a process of healing and therefore is not painless. Healing is similar to the ocean tides. We have moments of serenity and wholeness and moments of pain and helplessness as we begin to slip into old habits.
The question here is when is this process good for you? Well, it's always good for you but at what point do you surrender out of a place of overwhelming despair? I had always heard about adjusting the way you think to improve your life... and I thought, holy shit... that sounds WAY too hard.

The fact is that it's not a unicorn filled place of whimsy. Not at first. In fact reliving through repressed memories is the hardest thing I've ever endured. And I've seen a lot in my life. So saying it's easy is not an accurate statement. But now I've made it to having bad moments in good days instead of having bad days with small tastes of goodness.

It is worth every tear shed, every raging moment, and even the moments that make you feel helpless... It's worth it. I made it to a point where I just couldn't handle the pain. I had to make a change. Little did I know, it was the greatest honor that I gifted to myself as well as those that I love.

My life was a mess. I was a mess. Now I'm putting my life together the way I had always hoped to. I admire and approve of myself. It's a NEW and WONDERFUL perspective! Life doesn't have to be an eternal struggle. You are more than you think or allow yourself to be. You are not powerless. In fact, your mind is the most power filled instrument in your world.

You CAN change yourself and create the perfect life. If you're willing to change… you will find yourself to be a magnificent observer in a whimsical world filled with that feeling of falling in love!

Life is filled with magic, afford yourself the experience. You deserve peace. We all do. Mental health is not a joke. It is your mind. Your choice. Learn to embrace your shadows and live the life you consciously dream of...

Much love,