Every thought leads to new moment. Some thoughts are joyous and easy to experience. These fantastic thoughts lead to adventure and wonder! Then there are some thoughts that create challenging moments. We all have challenges but I am choosing to not speak of those now. They are only a part of the path that is leading up to these new adventures. I’m here to offer you your very own path to freedom.
If you are willing, I will guide you in expanding your heart space, to help lift you, to help heal you. Life is an adventure and I want you to feel and experience what falling in love feels like.
This “love falling” place in which I speak is filled with enchantment, adventures, abundance, and passion. It is your life and you are worthy of love, healing, abundance, connection, vitality, and peace. I am here to bring you to a lighter version of yourself. To get better every day. To raise your spirits. To lift your heart so you can begin to root, sprout, grow, and blossom. It is real, there’s no doubt it’ll happen if you’re willing to let it.
I want to help you all grow and succeed. I understand your pain and it’s OK to hurt sometimes. We all do. Some of us have had the same pain for a very long time. Eventually, It has festered into chaos. I see the pain and hope to ease the suffering of every heart that needs to fall in love right now.
Allow me the opportunity to assist in raising your heart’s vibration. Facing shadows is not so scary when you’ve carved out and lit up your new path. A path to fall in love with, a new trail to explore, the blessings of harmony, and the adventures created through your own understanding of “oneness”.
I am TiffaZilla.
Feel my roar echo in your heart.
I'm willing to help if you're willing to grow.
Love Always,